Managing from Afar-Pilot Story


True or False?

To effectively manage a business, you must be right there overseeing it all otherwise it will fall apart. After all, you’re the one in charge right? False. Trust in others’ to complete and even exemplify their role is key to running a business, not micromanaging.

How does Aaron run his Reno, NV business from afar?

To grow a business, you’ve got to have people whom you trust to magnify the company and make it better on their watch. They want the company to do well, just as you do. Surround yourself with good people.

Aaron heard a story from a 747 pilot about instructions. Notwithstanding all of that planning and preparation, the pilot had 100% authority to keep that aircraft safe. He had all the power to solve the problem, much as managing a business and people.

Have good people and leave a detailed plan with them of your expectations. Take a proactive responsibility in teaching your employees on what their job expectations are and aren’t. Then, you’ll want to be able to give your employees within those lines their freedom to enhance their job. Most of the time your employees will know the best way how to help the client in the most effective way.

When you don’t let somebody make a decision, especially not knowing the job, they’ll often make a very poor, stupid decision. Trust your employees, and if they make a mistake, help redirect them. Most employees fail because they haven’t had a strong leader guiding them along the way. It’s broken down into an acronym DGRAC Act in the “Lesson of the Day.”

“Keep looking out, and I’ll keep looking up.”  –Aaron Young

Welcome to The Lookout Society Podcast, where Aaron shares a story from his life, then connects it with a business principle to pass on. This is his way of helping others that are also going down an entrepreneurship path as contributing members to society. As an added bonus, Aaron shares wonderful gems in each episode of Oregonian knowledge from his home state and weaves the passion he has for the community he lives in as an invitation for others to visit the Pacific Northwest.

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Remember the Digger Effect: DGRAC Act

D- Desired result

G- Guidelines

R- Resources

A- Accountability

C- Consequences



In The Human Podcast, Wes Chapman and Ryan Andrews talk about the importance of employees looking to magnify their role after speaking with Joe De Sena from Spartan Race earlier that week about being limitless.

I found this blog post on creating a Framework for Healthy Relationships using the DGRAC method from Habit 3 that I found very informative.




10348224_10203003818990177_8143585800154248690_nEach of The Lookout Society show notes are written by Natalie C. Martin


A life-long learner and unashamed history nerd, Natalie is a certified teacher in secondary education history and English turned stay at home mom. She is the mother of four energetic children all two years apart from 8 to 2 and recently celebrated her 11th wedding anniversary with the only boyfriend she ever had. After the kiddies are put to bed, she writes show notes as she continues to ignite her passion for writing and editing, fact checking and learning to make the world wide web a more educated place. When we learn that more gets accomplished when we replace “can’t” with “can” so many possibilities are opened to us. In the words of Rosie the Riveter, “We can do it!”

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