Imagine a business that works harder for you than you have to work for it.

For over 20 years, Aaron Young has been empowering business owners to build strong companies and proactively protect their dreams. An entrepreneur with several multimillion-dollar companies under his own belt, Aaron has made it his life’s work to arm other business owners with success formulas that immediately provide exponential growth and protection.


Aaron has been featured in . . .

One of the most interesting speakers I’ve ever heard. Aaron takes material you think will be dry and makes it fun and interesting. Best of all, this is information that every business owner needs to know. You can’t lose with Aaron on your program.
Frank ShankwitzFounder Make-A-Wish Foundation

About Aaron Scott Young

Aaron Young, is a lifelong entrepreneur,  trusted advisor to CEOs and business owners, and creator of The Unshackled Owner a program for entrepreneurs looking to build a business and not just a glorified job.

Aaron is Chairman/CEO of Laughlin Associates, a 50-year-old company that has helped over 100,000 entrepreneurs start, grow, and profit from their businesses. This has given Aaron an ideal vantage point to observe common mistakes and successes in businesses . . .

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