Rave Reviews

Aaron will rock you. If you ever get the chance to work with Aaron, your business will be better prepared to ignite!

The distilled wisdom and practical ideas… will save you hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars in achieving business success.

One of the most interesting speakers I’ve ever heard. Aaron takes material you think will be dry and makes it fun and interesting. Best of all, this is information that every business owner needs to know. You can’t lose with Aaron on your program.

I consider Aaron Young one of the finest business thinkers I know. He is relentless in his pursuit of the meaningful value that he can bring to products and partnerships. He possesses a clarity of thought and an ability to focus that I find rare and inspiring. He is also one of the most ethical people I know.
When I spend an hour with Aaron, I make huge progress. His ability to ask great questions and to provide objective, insightful feedback helps me achieve clarity on strategic issues for my company. I truly value Aaron’s advice and observations.

Aaron Scott Young is by far the best motivational and inspirational speaker we have ever had speak at our school…(and we’ve had top international speakers)! He tells stories that contain some of the most important lessons our students will ever learn – from how to set and achieve goals, to how to live an ethical life (and why this is a good idea)! If you ever have a chance to hear Aaron speak, run (don’t walk) and sit in the front row! Really!

Aaron Young’s “Build Your Corporate Fortress – The critical steps to shielding your real estate and personal assets” was a very educational and informative event that was very well presented. Our club members found great value in the information that was provided to them. I would definitely recommend
Aaron for other clubs that are looking for great speakers. The San Diego Investment Club looks forward to inviting Aaron to speak again soon.

There are very few people who have the vast knowledge and experience that Aaron does in business, consistently growing his multiple companies into millions of dollars in revenue. Because of his ongoing guidance, I have been able to close more than $60,000 in a one week period. The beautiful part of this is not just immediate cash flow, but that it’s structured to become residual income delivering me predictable cash. Aaron is not an “experienced professional teacher”… He’s an experienced professional, who happens to teach.

Thank you so very much for the time and care that you gave to me and my business. You were wonderfully patient and you made me feel important & that makes such an encouraging and uplifting difference! Your professionalism and advice were awesome! You helped me understand the simple changes I could make to grow my business. This is a nervous and exciting time for me as my business is growing faster than I had anticipated. Knowing that I can take what I’m learning and you will be there to help my apply the information is what gives me the confidence to move forward. I certainly made the best decision to work with Aaron. Many blessings to you! Have a wonderful day!

Aaron, have I told you lately what a nice guy you are, and what a great mentor you make? Knowing you walk your talk & care for your family and friends the way you do is priceless. That is why I keep telling people to watch you & learn from you as you teach about being an Unshackled Owner! You give newbie entrepreneurs like me the faith to keep on going, to believe we can do what we know is in our hearts to do, and recognize that we will still be able to be there for our families. You rock. Keep up the good work.

Timing is everything, I was just starting my business when I met Aaron. After going through the unshackled process I was able to implement a strong foundational structure that I feel has allowed me to grow my business faster and with less reliance on me.

The best part of being involved with The Unshackled Owner is the people I’ve met. The support I’ve received from the group has directly impacted my revenue and given me direct access to an amazing group of people.

In one conversation Aaron helped me get intentional about creating a business that allowed me to have freedom in my personal life. In the past I was a slave to my business and my clients. It was the norm for me to work 8-15 hours a day, in the hot sun or the bitter cold. I didn’t have enough energy to work on marketing, I would come in the house and crash on the couch in exhaustion. Now I work in a warm, cozy office for 2 hours a day with clients. This gives me the freedom to do the behind the scenes work on my business and go play with my family and friends. You have helped me become intentional about every day and I feel great about the amount of energy I am expending on this venture. I love my life, and it will keep on getting better.

I felt like I was putting out fires every day instead of growing my business and it was exhausting and frustrating. Being unshackled has allowed me to gain clarity in my business and my life.

After joining The Unshackled Owner I was able to look at my business from the outside and retrain my focus on the things that would provide the biggest impact to my business. I’m enjoying my success and more freedom.

We chose Aaron to free us from being shackled to our business. He’s living the life we want, freedom, financial success, life changing personal relationships. His proven formula is allowing us to live the life we want.

My successful business was killing me, I knew I couldn’t keep up the pace but I didn’t have confidence that anybody else could fulfill my vision. By implementing a few techniques I learned from Aaron I was able to identify my priorities and still grow my business without becoming consumed in the process.

When Teddy Roosevelt spoke about “the man who is actually in the arena” in 1910, he was speaking about people like Aaron Young. Aaron is a man you meet and instantly trust. He is capable of neither guile nor duplicity. He is simply an honest and forthright man of business—the kind of man your father did business with, and your grandfather before him.

I’ve known Aaron Young as a business colleague going on ten years now and have always admired his breadth of knowledge regarding small business development and asset protection planning, as well as his work ethic and reliability.

I have had the opportunity to work alongside Aaron for several years and to see the passion and the commitment he shows for the service he provides to his customers and clients. He is a gifted businessman, has high integrity, is an awesome family man, and brings value to the projects and services he offers his customers and clients. Aaron is the real deal, and I am fortunate to have him as a friend and as a business resource.

Aaron Young is a businessman of integrity and vision. Working with Aaron and utilizing the services of Laughlin Associates will give you and your company protection and peace of mind.

Aaron’s sense of integrity and brilliant business mind have made the companies he’s involved in a success. Most importantly, his partners, employees, and clients benefit from his passion for excellence. I look forward to working with Aaron for a long time!

It’s difficult to read the label from the inside of the bottle. As a small business owner I often can’t see beyond my own nose.. Aaron young has been instrumental in enlightening a path way to truth’s in my business. Every business owner should have a coach like Aaron.